Sunday 22 August 2010


Imbosk means to hide, usually in a wood. As Milton put it:

They seek the dark, the bushy, the tangled forest, they would imbosk.

A sibling word is bosky, as in bosky glades.


  1. The Antipodean, suffering mildly from the wrath of grapes (should that be the annoyance of grapes?),23 August 2010 at 06:11

    Didn't bosky also mean tipsy, once? As in, 'Sorry chaps, I'm a trifle bosky.' I was wondering how on earth that had come from 'hiding in a wood.' But (speculating wildly without so much as a google to back me up) I wonder if it's via 'disguised,' (another euphemism) as in disguised > hidden > bosky. It's a nice theory and I hate to ruin it by doing research.

    Drinking and its assorted consequences seem to be another one of those things that attracts a lot of euphemisms.

  2. And a very creepy face is peering out from that bosky offering...
