This is a useful word, at least for me.
The etymology is almost too obvious to point out: schnapps is German for strong drink, liquor might be the best English translation; and idee is idea.
This should not be confused with a Schnapszahl, which is a number composed of a repeated digit, like 77, or 666. This latter seems (merely seems) to be down to the idea that in certain games, if your score ends up as a Schnapszahl, you have to buy everybody a schnapps.
This explanation seems convincing to me, if only because of the Nelson in cricket: which is the idea that it's very bad luck to be on a score of 111 (or, indeed, 222) if you make it that far. This bad luck can only be remedied by raising one leg off the ground, obviously.
Anyhow, this post seemed a lot more interesting last night.
By the way, I am going to Kerala (etymology uncertain, but probably to do with coconuts) next week to speak at the Mathrubhumi International Festival of Letters. Anybody who finds themselves in god's own country should toddle along.
The Inky Fool's journey to India took just as long as expected.
This looks a lot like the Hype cycle with a trigger (the schnaps), a peak of inflated expectations (when drunk), a trough of disillusionment (the stern gaze of sobriety) followed (maybe) by the slope of enlightenment and the plateau of productivity