Thursday 9 February 2012


The word inquilinate is defined in the dear old OED as:

To dwell in a strange place.

I'm not sure if Clerkenwell counts. As the poet John Oldham wrote in 1680:

‘Tis a long way to where I dwell,
At farther end of Clerkenwell:
There in a garret near the sky,
Above five pairs of stairs I lie.

Which, other than the precise number of stairs, describes me perfectly.

That the OED is not able to quote a single usage of inquilinate proves that every man's home is ordinary to him.


  1. Interesting, because the Italian word for 'tenant' is 'inquilino'. Thanks for that.

  2. To dwell in a strange place... yup thats me

  3. "And she bare him a son, and he called his name Gershom: for he said, I have been a stranger in a strange land" (Exodus 2:22; KJV). Moses was quite the queer inquilinator...

  4. I suppose one could inquillinate in a prison...

    Off the subject, do you know what's behind "ta-ta" (as in goodbye", a phrase used a lot in wales and liverpool and the like.

  5. I've never read Robert Heinlein's book myself but I spent a part of my youth dwelling in "Heavy Metal Heaven"

    Iron Maiden - Stranger In A Strange Land
