Admittedly, hore-hound, as Bailey used it, has nothing to do with sex. In fact, it's just a recipe with an amusing name. Yet with its pleasant alliteration and doggy implications I feel it could be usefully carried over as a modern synonym for a coney-chaser.
In case you were wondering, and I'm sure you weren't, the Hore-Hound recipe goes like this:
The leaves of this being roasted in a cabbage under hot ashes and pounded with some salt will cure the stinging of serpents and biting dogs: they are also good for humours and chaps in the fundament; being apply'd with some honey they will clease foul ulcers: the decoction of it is good for a cough and difficulty of breathing by its cleansing the lungs and promoting spitting.
So if you find a chap in your fundament, get yourself a hore-hound.
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Once upon a time you could buy (non-alcoholic) horehound beer in Australia, but apparently the company has stopped making it: