Monday 2 July 2012


Pronunciation is a funny thing. Man has walked on the moon, but he will never be able to say "Peggy Babcock" quickly ten times in a row. Then there are the lovely tongue twisters like "The sixth sick sheik's sixth sick sheep". But sometimes you need only a single word, and that word is psithurism.

The OED explains how to pronounce it: a P, an S, a short I (as in pit), an unvoiced TH (as in thin), a UR (as in curious), and an ism as in communism.

So try it. Psithurism. It can be done, but it takes a few goes. Now, can you guess what it means? That's right. It's a whispering sound like the rustling of leaves in the wind.


  1. I was thinking something medical, as in phthisis, which actually may not have been too far off in some respects!

  2. New Kid on the Block2 July 2012 at 14:21

    Funnily enough, although it is the exact same Greek letter Ψ (Psi) we are talking about in Psithurism (Ψιθυρισμός) and in Psychiatry or Psychedelic (Ψυχιατριακή and Ψυχεδελικός respectively),only in Psithurism the "correct" Greek sound PS is preserved. :-)

  3. New Kid on the Block2 July 2012 at 14:31

    Correction: Ψυχιατρική (pronounced:PSICHIATRIKI)for Psychiatry.

  4. So it's not a secret, rather gossipy religion?

  5. As in Eddie Fontaine's Rockabilly classic about frustrated teenage sexual longings "There Aint Nothin' Shakin' (But the Leaves on the Trees)"......bloomin' classic is it too!! Check it oot....

  6. The Antipodean3 July 2012 at 03:54

    I've always preferred susurration; possibly because it's easier to say, possibly because it leads to being able to discuss a susurrus. They make a nice pair, though: psithurism and susurration.

  7. Thanks for posting this. New favorite word, atop a long list of wonderfully specific words.

  8. Psithurism. Thank you! I love it. It is the sound of my life at present.
    Not only that the wind picked up here today so it is both in the workshop and out.

  9. Reminds me of the sound q snake might make lol
